Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Development of Agriculture in Mesopotamia and the Comparison to Essay

The Development of Agriculture in Mesopotamia and the Comparison to Other Agricultural Hearths - Essay Example Still, Mesopotamian influences, along with those of China, provided the structure through which the agriculture of India was developed. The rise of agriculture in Mesoamerica was developed through an independent set of inventions. It is clearly, however, Mesopotamia that has the earliest development of agriculture in the world. The primary reasons for the Fertile Crescent to be the first to develope agriculture were due to time, environment, and increased populations that formed city-states. In discussing the nature of the development of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent, it is important to understand the way in which time is a factor in producing commodities for a civilization. In order to feed the people of the region, hunting gathering would have been the first form of communal food resourcing that would have been attempted. Because of the nature of the geography of the area, this was not an efficient system for gathering food and creating enough nourishment for the people. As m ore people gathered in concentric areas, it became clear that a different method of food production would be needed to satisfy the needs of so many people that had become a growing population. The problem in the geography was that the areas were mostly mountainous, covered with vast forests and brushwood.1 It was a better choice to create resources of food in more central areas, farms that could feed people rather than requiring them to go out into the world to find their food. The time required to hunt and gather was inefficient. Time is also relevant in relationship to the climate, the rains of the region more frequent and in a better balance for agriculture than they currently are for the area. It is likely, according to climatology history, that between the Ice Age and about 4000BCE the monsoon rains extended farther West, providing for a more moisture rich environment than currently exists.2 The environment was more conducive to planting, the land more rich in nutrients and the way in which growing needs were met. The world has changed a great deal and the answers to the reasons for questions of history often lie in greater conveniences available during those times in contrast to the way in which circumstances exist presently. Time period is relevant to the developments that existed as the collision of fertile circumstances provide for opportunities to develop. As the rains created a rich environment, the development of harnessing the rain through irrigation increased the level of farming that could be accomplished. The other way in which time is relevant is through the time it took for the agricultural culture to develop. Agriculture did not spring up during a period of a few hundred years. The development of agriculture was reflective of a period of more than a thousand years, the development emerging through a long period of time where single farmers moved to villages, which moved to towns, then moving and arranging themselves into city-states. This to ok a millennia of time for the processes of agriculture to begin to develop, the populations put into place, and solutions to the problems of resource allocation to be focused on growing and

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Hitler's greatest mistake Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hitler's greatest mistake - Research Paper Example Hitler was very much overconfident about invading Russia. The troop was not provided with winter clothing or equipments. More than half of Germen troops were frozen to death. The invasion was started on three fronts, in the south towards the Ukraine, in the north towards Leningrad, and centre towards Moscow. The moves were initially considered as successful advances. Within few days the Luftwaffe achieved air supremacy. German troops started encircling Russian defenders. Nazi legions soon conquered 1200 tanks and 600 big guns. They also gained more than 150,000 prisoners. Hitler attempted to control Russia to a great extent. Their crucial aim was to gain control over Leningrad-Moscow-Volga line. Germany’s three-pronged invasion was intended for seizing production areas in Ukraine and the Donetz basin. Germany’s plans were to acquire mineral deposits, oil and grain. They attempted to capture the Black and Baltic seas. Russian citizens were encouraged to accept the ‘scorched policy’. They were instructed that if they were forced to evacuate from their place they should not leave anything behind. They should evacuate fully. Germans at the same time started feeling trouble as weather was becoming disadvantageous for them. Russian partisan groups were gaining strength as they began imposing big tolls on supply convoys. Germans gained control over Riga, Smolensk and Kiev. They invaded Stalingrad to acquire the oilfields of Cacasus in August 1942.